OEC strengthens research networks to develop database for digital era

OEC strengthens research networks to develop database for digital era

            The meeting under the topic “the method of promoting research networks and developing database on education research” was held by the Office of the Education Council on 29th April 2019. The purpose of the meeting was to exchange ideas and information across professionals and agents from related institutions so as to pave the way of enhancing the database on education research towards digital platforms.

            Dr. Watanaporn Ra-ngubtook, OEC Deputy Secretary-General, as chairperson of the meeting stated that “According to the critical roles and duties of the Office of the Education Council, such as proposing policy proposals, National Education Scheme, including monitoring and evaluation, the development of important education data,
it was required to analyze, synthesize and implement for operating and following up the education management. Education information is huge, therefore, OEC has to speed up the database creation and constantly update it to
be ready for implementation.”

            Participants at the meeting also discussed the mode for supporting research networks and enhancing
the database on education research. An officer from the National Research Council of Thailand, presented the database development which was coherent to the roles of OEC, namely: 1) define the certain goals 2) design and complete data 3) make contents interesting 4) cooperation and linkages 5) G-cloud government, cloud services 6) unlimited access to data and 7) public relations. Supportably, an agent from Digital Economy Promotion Agency, mentioned that revealing and sharing data are important to create accesses to the data as well as operating it beneficially, including
the exchanges and expansion of the networks.

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