ปีที่พิมพ์ : 2557

ISBN : 978-616-270-070-5

Recognizing the importance of the EFA Goals to be achieved by 2015, Office of the Education Council, Ministry of Education, prepared the Education for All Global Monitoring Report: Thailand Report (EFA Global Monitoring Report) in the fiscal year 2013 and then the Thailand Education for All Monitoring Report 2013 in the fiscal year 2014. With a view to understanding the current movement of EFA implementation in Thailand, these two publications monitored and analyzed 67 indicators of the six EFA Goals. They are believed to encourage concerned educational agencies and personnel, including other concerned people to accelerate EFA implementation to meet its Goals. By way of addition, the data and information in the two publications are fruitful for educational development and can be studied to drive the EFA implementation in Thailand.

Executive Summary  
Chapter 1 Introduction  
Chapter 2 Thailand’s Guidelines for Policies on Education for All  
Chapter 3 The Monitoring Report on the Study of Education for All: Thailand  
Chapter 4 Conclusion and Suggestions  



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