ปีที่พิมพ์ : 2556

ISBN : 978-616-270-058-3

Office of the Education Council, a national agency for educational research and development on policies and plans, recognizes the importance and necessity of the initiative. For this reason, OEC prepared Guideline on Implementing United Nations Initiative: Putting Every Child in School by gathering statistical figures related to putting every child in school, comprising information on budgets, education opportunities at each level, in particular compulsory and basic education, including data on gender equity in getting education at all levels. In addition, the status of enrolment of 6 years old children at Grade 1 has been formulated in order to present the current situation of Thailand in putting every child in school and seeking measures of putting every child in school.

Executive Summary  
List of Tables and Figure  
Initiative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Putting Every Child in School  
Policy of the Thai Government on Equal Opportunities in Education  
Status of Encouragement on Putting Every Child into School  
Analysis and Recommendations on Putting Every Child in School  
Appendix A  
Appendix B  
Appendix C  
Publication Team  



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